Samsung, other OEMs to ship Android devices with Microsoft apps this year - AndroGuider | One Stop For The Techy You!

Samsung, other OEMs to ship Android devices with Microsoft apps this year

Microsoft of Monday unveiled its partnership with Samsung and ten other tech firms, in which key Office apps will be preinstalled in their Android devices.

Under the partnership with Samsung, Samsung will install Microsoft services and apps on it Android devices to deliver a secured mobile productivity for businesses through Microsoft Office 365 and Samsung KNOX Business pack.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge comes pre-installed with OneNote, OneDrive, Skype and 100 GB of  free cloud storage for two years via OneDrive. Within the next few months Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive and Skype will be provided on select Samsung Android tablets.

Peggy Johnson, executive vice president of business development at Microsoft said"Our partnership with Samsung is emblematic of our efforts to bring the best of Microsoft's productivity services to everyone, on every device, so people can be productive wherever, however and whenever they want,"

Microsoft also revealed its partnership with ten other leading global OEM  - TrekStor of Germany, Tecno of Africa, US-based Dell, JP Sa Couto of Portugal, Datamatic of Italy, DEXP of Russia, Hipstreet of Canada, QMobile of Pakistan, Casper of Turkey and Pegatron - a Taiwan-based firm.

The said tech firms will also install Microsoft services - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive and Skype on their Android devices that will come to the market later this year.

Source : Microsoft Blog

Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Samsung, other OEMs to ship Android devices with Microsoft apps this year Samsung, other OEMs to ship Android devices with Microsoft apps this
year Reviewed by Kaiser on 3/25/2015 06:22:00 AM
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