OnePlus One Cyanogen OS 12 update paused to add 'OK OnePlus' feature
Android Lollipop based CM12 update that was rolling out OTA to OnePlus One has been paused temporarily. It started rolling out last week over-the-air.
OnePlus Co-Founder Carl Pei on his twitter account tweeted that the Cyanogen OS 12 update roll out has been paused temporarily due to the addition of 'OK OnePlus'. The new feature was due to be released last year in June. It will now be included with the Cyanogen OS 12 update.
The OK OnePlus feature is similar to 'OK Google' voice search feature.
The Cyanogen OS 12 update should resume mid week bringing the new feature along. Users who have already updated to CM 12 will receive the Ok OnePlus feature in a seperate OTA update.
OnePlus One Cyanogen OS 12 update paused to add 'OK OnePlus' feature
Reviewed by Kaiser
4/21/2015 03:59:00 PM
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