OnePlus One launched in Malaysia, to be available via stores for the first time

OnePlus has announced the launch of OnePlus One in Malaysia. It will be available exclusively via Malaysia's leading communication provider Maxis.

Starting tommorow 64GB Sandstone Black OnePlus One will be available to buy via Maxis stores with the MaxisONE Plan at just RM859 ($235). It is also available unlocked and off contract for just RM1199 ($330).

In Malaysia, OnePlus is offering premium service to its customers. The smartphone comes with one year limited warranty and one month of after sale services at Maxis Centers nationwide (including any 1 to 1 device swap until the end of May). In mid-May, immediate support for the OnePlus One smartphone will be available via walk-in and collection centers around the country.

With the launch, Malaysia becomes the first country where OnePlus One will be available to buy via stores. It is available to purchase through online in rest of the countries. Yesterday OnePlus announced that it will be terminating its invite based system forever.

Source : OnePlus Blog

Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
OnePlus One launched in Malaysia, to be available via stores for the first time OnePlus One launched in Malaysia, to be available via stores for the
first time Reviewed by Kaiser on 4/21/2015 06:14:00 PM
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