Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10149 out now on Fast Ring
Microsoft has released the latest Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview 10149 for Windows Insiders on the fast ring.The latest build brings new updates and improvements. Here is what's new
Microsoft Edge: Microsoft has shed the Project Spartan codename branding it to Edge. The address bar is at the bottom and the options to view websites in mobile view or desktop view is also included. As the Edge browser has a new app ID, insiders will lose cookies, favorites, history and Reading list items that was saved in Project Spartan.
General UX improvements and refinement: Micorsoft has fixed the issue where many live tiles pinned to start appeared blurry. There is also lot more refinement of controls with updated icons and visuals. The OS is now more responsive to use.
Improvements to Cortana: Cortana’s Notebook is in its final stage with a combined Profile and Settings. You can set up Quiet Hours in Cortana's notebook, send an e-mail and even make corrections with your voice.
Flashlight quick action: The Flashlight quick action tab is added to the Action center so you can quickly turn the phone's flashlight on.
Updated Photos app: The new update includes general performance, reliability improvements, new capabilities such as support for animated GIFs (works on phone with 1GB RAM or higher). The links to save photos, screenshote and camera roll are available on Albums page.
Automatic Camera upload via OneDrive: Automatic camera roll upload is now managed with the OneDrive app. You can go to settings on OneDrive App to set camera upload to be turned on or off.
Apps update: Many of the first party apps such Outlook Mail and Calendar, Music Movies and TV, MSN apps (News, Weather, Sports and Money) has been updated.
Note that "The post-upgrade migration status screen is missing after upgrading to this build which normally shows you the progress of the post-upgrade migration. After upgrading, the Lock screen will appear frozen without the date and time for up to 10 minutes. Please be patient and let it sit – eventually the date and time will appear and it will allow you to unlock your phone. If you get impatient and restart or mess with locking/unlocking your phone, you’ll wind up in a funky state – so just relax and let it do its thing."
Microsoft has fixed the following issue:
Some Known issues in Build 10149
- Issue where Call+SMS filtering would not work after the upgrade
- Issue where text notification not appearing for incoming messages
- Issue where Podcast app would'nt work
- Issues where some apps having trouble installing or updating via Store Beta
- Issue where navigation bar couldn't be hidden
- issue where the Install button doesn’t respond after Build 10149 is downloaded. Make sure the battery is charged >40% and press it again.
- Some people may encounter an 80091007 error trying to upgrade to this build from Build 10136. Microsoft is working on a fix.
- The Insider Hub is removed in this build. It will be available in future builds.
- Sometimes the PIN keypad won’t be shown after swiping up to unlock. The workaround is to swipe down to get to Action Center and try to open a notification or Settings to invoke the PIN keypad to unlock your phone.
- There is a very rare situation where you are unable to unlock your phone after entering your PIN and it keeps letting you type even though you entered your pin correctly. If you hit this – leave the phone alone 1-2 hours before trying to unlock again. This is caused by a TPM issue that could get worse and require you to reflash if you get into this state and power off the phone.
- If a Gmail account is set up on the phone, the Messaging app may have issues and both incoming and outgoing messages may not work. If this issue is hit, simply reboot your phone to get it working again.
- There is a known issue where apps or games are installed as trial versions even though you have previously purchased them. In-app purchases on Windows 10 Mobile are not functional yet
- In certain cases, the colors in some apps may appear off. For example – the titlebar in the Outlook Mail app is orange.
- There might be some cases where notifications in Action Center appear blank.
Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10149 out now on Fast Ring
Reviewed by Kaiser
6/26/2015 04:38:00 PM

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