Beat this game and you might win $10,000

Zero Reflex is a psychedelic evader and his creator is offering a $10,000 bounty for the first player who survives his gruesome torture. In the game you’re tasked with evading the bullets and various projectiles that come flying in for as long as possible.

The game offers an extremely fast-paced evasion experience with some pretty crazy visuals and 60 challenges to play through. There are 20 levels in the game which changes its speed and amount of danger for the player depending weather played in Normal, Hard or Nightmare Mode.

If you're willing to give Zero Reflex a shot, you might want to check out the list of rules on the developer, Exordium Games' website.

Zero Reflex is available to download on all the platforms including Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Steam.


Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Beat this game and you might win $10,000 Beat this game and you might win $10,000 Reviewed by Kaiser on 11/07/2015 08:38:00 PM
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