Samsung announce global roll out of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for Galaxy S6, S6 edge - AndroGuider | One Stop For The Techy You!

Samsung announce global roll out of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for Galaxy S6, S6 edge

Samsung has announced that it has started pushing Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to Galaxy S6 and S6 edge globally, with other Galaxy smartphones to soon follow. Samsung also mentioned that it will make separate announcements on details of OS updates schedule for each market.

The update bring new features including Now on Tap, App permissions, Web Experience, Doze, Applinks and more for both the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge. 

The software update coming to Galaxy Edge appears to be a major update that includes enhanced edge screen and new edge screen functions. After the update, Samsung Galaxy S6 edge users will get an option to widen the edge panel to 550 pixels for viewing more content. You will now be able to customize up to nine panels including the 'People edge' and 'Apps edge' panels.
People edge will let you manage your favorite contacts in a single easy-to-access area. Also the contact names are added below the photo icons for a more initiative experience. App edge, a panel that shows most frequently used apps, will no lets users add ten apps instead of five and also let you add folders as well.

The new Tasks edge panel shows often used apps and tasks including creating an event in S planner, setting an alarm, composing text message and more. There is also new Quick Tools, which includes ruler, compass, and flashlight, and a shortcut to the settings menu for easier navigation. You can now access all the panels easily by customizing the edge handle- the fixed tab that opens the edge panel.

As this a global roll out, not every Galaxy S6 and S6 edge phones will receive the update immediately, so it will take some time before the Android Marshmallow hits your device. When the update is available you'll be notified, if not, you can even check for the update manually via settings menu.


Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Samsung announce global roll out of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for Galaxy S6, S6 edge Samsung announce global roll out of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for Galaxy
S6, S6 edge Reviewed by Kaiser on 2/15/2016 06:03:00 PM
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