Google testing Hands Free mobile payment service

Android Pay is Google's mobile payment platform that lets you make payment in stores with your smartphones. Now the search giant is moving a step ahead and is trying to make the payment process more easier, that will let you pay at stores easily without using smartphone or fumbling through your wallet.

Google is testing a Hands Free mobile payment system in the U.S. The pilot program will be available at a small number of McDonald's, Papa John's and local outlets in the South Bay area in the U.S.

The service is currently available on Android and iOS devices. You'll have to set up the app on the phone and link your cards, and associate a photo with the account. And then when you're ready to make payments at a store, you can simply tell the cashier "I'll pay with Google", after which a connection will be made to your smartphone, and the cashier will ask for you're initials and use the picture you added to your Hands free profile to confirm the identity. The services uses Bluetooth LE, WiFi and location services (GPS) on the phone to detect if you're near the participating outlet.

At select stores, Google is experimenting with visual identification. The process uses an in-store camera to confirm you're identity, based on Hands Free profile picture. As far a security is concerned, Google says that all the photos captured by the Hands Free camera are deleted immediately. 

Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Google testing Hands Free mobile payment service Google testing Hands Free mobile payment service Reviewed by Kaiser on 3/03/2016 07:31:00 PM
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