Instagram Videos Soon To Score Up For 60 Seconds - AndroGuider | One Stop For The Techy You!

Instagram Videos Soon To Score Up For 60 Seconds

Instagram is now going to let users post videos as long as 60 Seconds, the news came in from a reliable source, that is the Instagram Blog itself where the company stated that they will rollout this feature to iOS and Android starting today but will take time to reach out to everyone.

Instagram earlier this year updated the app with 3D Touch and Multiple Account features and now the company decided to extend the Video Duration. According to the blog, company stated that they have seen 40% growth in the video space of the app, so they decided to make it more broad. It will surely help users to elaborately describe their stories with these new long videos. 

Rajat Kapoor
Rajat Kapoor is a self confessed tech geek. Always up to date with what's going on in the tech world, he is currently pursuing MCA and prefers Android over iOS. You will see his articles here and we do hope that you find them useful and informational.
Instagram Videos Soon To Score Up For 60 Seconds Instagram Videos Soon To Score Up For 60 Seconds Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor on 3/30/2016 09:18:00 PM
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