Windows 10 Mobile to get fingerprint scanning support this summer

Microsoft is planning to add support for fingerprint scanner for Windows 10 Mobile this summer. Windows 10 Mobile already has facial recognition to unlock the device, thanks to Windows Hello, but missed out on fingerprint scanner.

Microsoft at WinHEC conference this week, revealed that it plans to add support for fingerprint scanner in the Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary update later this summer.

To add fingerprint scanner support, Microsoft will use universal driver platform, which is inbuilt for x86 desktop, and recompile it to work on ARM. Some Windows phone OEMs have already used fingerprint scanners from FPC and synaptics, but other fingerprint scanner may require more work to be integrated into Windows Hello functionality.

The upcoming HP Elite X3 will be the first Windows 10 Mobile device to come with fingerprint scanner. 

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Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Windows 10 Mobile to get fingerprint scanning support this summer Windows 10 Mobile to get fingerprint scanning support this summer Reviewed by Kaiser on 5/15/2016 06:47:00 PM
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