Facebook revamps Messenger app with new Home screen

Facebook has revamped its Messenger app with a new Home screen that includes recent conversation, birthday, favorites and Active Now sections for simpler conversations.

Until now Messenger showed your recent conversation on the top, but with the new interface the most recent conversation will be shown at the top. This will be followed by new favorite section which includes people you message most frequently, so you can quickly pick up your last conversation.

The home screen next shows upcoming birthdays and an Active Now section, that will show people who are available for chatting at the moment.

Facebook which has over 900 million monthly active users said that with the new update, the social networking giant aims to make Messenger simpler to use by presenting "more relevant information".


Kaiser Bey
Kaiser is a tech enthusiast who likes to write, read and talk about tech. He dreams of going to Mars and never come back. We hope that you find his posts on AndroGuider helpful and informative
Facebook revamps Messenger app with new Home screen Facebook revamps Messenger app with new Home screen Reviewed by Kaiser on 6/17/2016 03:04:00 PM
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