WhatsApp beta gets new font, call back, voicemail feature
WhatsApp is soon going to get a new font and calling features like call back, voice mail. Currently if you're a beta tester of the app, you can try out these new features before it will be made available to the public. The new features are included in WhatsApp beta for Android version 2.16.189.
Now in addition to bold, italics and striking users can use a different font to send messages dubbed FixedSys. To use this font, you will have to use (`) before and after the text. The ` symbol has to be used three times before and after the text to get the font. For instance if you want to type hello in the new font, you'll have to send it ```Hello''' to view the new font.
With the new call back and voicemail feature, now when you call someone on WhatsApp, and if the recipient rejects or does not answer the call, the caller gets a new screen showing three options to cancel, call back or record voice messages.
Call back feature will let you redial the number, whereas, voice mail allows you to tap and hold on the mic icon to send a voice message to the receiver. These feature will save you from the need to go back to the chat screen to call or send voice message.
In order to try out the new features, Android and iOS users will have to sign up for WhatsApp Beta program. We can expect WhatsApp for Windows 10 Mobile to also get these features soon.
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WhatsApp beta gets new font, call back, voicemail feature
Reviewed by Kaiser
7/21/2016 11:08:00 PM

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