Handy Guide To Get Google Assistant
Google Assistant has been quite a hype straight from the time when it was showcased at the Google I/O 2016 and since then it has been a hot discussion topic for its robust capabilities. Assistant however lacked the functionality to read the messages, but now it has acquired that too and we had reported it. Now, when the Assistant is expanding to devices running Marshmallow & Nougat, here's a handy guide that can force the feature to pop up for you device.

The major role here is being played by the version of the Google App and Google Play Services, which you should have in order to get Assistant on your devices. You can head over here and download the latest Google App (Beta) and click here to download the latest Google Play Services. You can get the latest Google App by enrolling in Beta for it on the Play Store. Install the latest versions of both the apps.
Next, you have to switch your device's language to English US. Do note that you don't have to change the Google app's language but the device's, as switching the app's language didn't work for us. You can do this by going to Settings > Language & Input > Languages and selecting English US.
Now, you need to clear the cache and data for Google App and Google Play Services. After doing this, reboot your device and long press the home button, that's it. Google Assistant should popup for your device.
We tested the method on a couple of devices and it worked for us but, keep in mind, this is not a sure shot method to bring the Assistant. We can't guarantee you but this is the best bet and can help you to get the Assistant. It's worth a try. Here's the shot after we performed the above steps -

If you still didn't got the Assistant, don't worry. It's rolling out as we speak and should reach all the eligible devices soon.
Handy Guide To Get Google Assistant
Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor
3/08/2017 11:12:00 PM

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