PlayStation 4 system software update 4.50 starts rolling out
Sony started beta testing PS4 software version 4.50 (codenamed SASUKE) last month. Now it has started rolling out the major system software update to PlayStation 4 for the general public.
The version 4.50 update for PlayStation 4 brings host of new features. One of the main highlight is support of external hard drive, meaning you can connect a USB 3.0 HDD (up to 8TB compatible) to your console to expand the storage to download and store games or apps. The contents installed or stored on the external hard drive will show up in the Content Launcher of the Home Screen alongside the contents on the internal drive. Sony says "there is no guarantee that all USB storage devices are compatible with your system."
The update also adds 'Boost Mode' for PlayStation 4 Pro, which is designed to provide better performance for legacy tittles that have not been patched to take advantage of PS4 Pro's faster CPU and GPU to boost frame rate and offer shorter load times. You can turn on the Boost Mode from the PS4’s Settings menu by going to ‘System’, then scroll down to ‘Boost Mode’ and tick the box to turn Boost Mode on.
PlayStation 4 Software version 4.50
External hard drive support
Boost Mode for PlayStation 4 Pro
Custom Wallpaper and profile color
Tweaks to Quick Menu
PS VR improvement
Support to view 3D Blu-rays in virtual reality using PlayStation VR
Save Data Shortcut
Voice chat for Remote Play
Simplified Notification List
PS Messages and Communities app Updates
Post on PlayStation Network Activity Feeds
GIF support
You will receive the update automatically, and if it is not yet available you can check it manually by going to the settings page and then system Software update. To know more about the new features visit Sony's PlayStation Blog
PlayStation 4 system software update 4.50 starts rolling out
Reviewed by Kaiser
3/09/2017 02:30:00 PM

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