Telegram Spotted With Voice Calls Functionality

Telegram has always been special to tech community and has its own space and genre in communication sector, although the app missed out at some key elements which other apps have from a long time like calls but, wait no more as Telegram is already testing Voice Calls and is slated to release it soon.
Here are the shots that are roaming across the internet that shows a really simple interface which depicts the working of voice calls in Telegram

In order to get this functionality, you need to be a beta tester for the app which you can find here, now login and go to Settings > Switch Backend, you will be on the test server now (chats and stuff will be unavailable till you're running this server). Now all you have to do is register on this server and ask someone to call you on Telegram (ask any beta tester) and you'll have the calls functionality.
The service works almost same as Whatsapp and will bring in competetion to apps like them, although telegram is already late to add the feature.
Telegram Spotted With Voice Calls Functionality
Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor
3/14/2017 05:26:00 PM

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