Supercool Moto Mods Concepts That If Once Turned Reality Will Not Look Back
It is of no doubt that Motorola had really done an amazing job with modular concept through it Moto Z lineup and now since the next generation of Moto Z is not so far, new Moto Mods ideas are coming in from various parts of the world. Some of them are really cool ideas that might take this modular concept to a whole new level. A new video posted by hellomotoHK on Google+ shows some concepts of the Moto Mods that have huge potential to rock the Android world. It is not clear that where this video has been shot but our guess goes with the Moto Experience Day. See the video below-
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Supercool Moto Mods Concepts That If Once Turned Reality Will Not Look Back
Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor
4/26/2017 02:18:00 PM

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