S.i.X ROM Oreo Android 8.0.0 For The Nexus 6 And How to Install
Google released the source code of Android 8.0 Oreo last week and since then ROM developers have been working hard to update their ROM sources to Oreo. SiX ROM developer Frankie T has updated his ROM to Android 8.0 and has released an initial beta build of the ROM for the Nexus 6.
Since the ROM has just kick started it's Oreo journey a very few features are present. The ROM currently closely resembles stock version of Oreo. The kernel does have a ton of customizations for you to play with. There are a lot of governors and hotplugs such as MPDecision, IntelliPlug, Blu_Plug, MSM Sleeper and State Helper.
Before you begin with the installation do note that this is a WIP (Work In Progress). This means that the ROM is not fully stable and is susceptible to bugs. The only major bug is Bluetooth. Apart from Bluetooth, everything else was working fine; this includes calling, mobile data, WiFi, camera (both audio and video recording).
- You must be on a Nougat based bootloader. If you aren't, you must either flash the latest Nougat firmware or flash the latest stock ROM.
- You must be willing to part away with Bluetooth
- Download the ROM from the XDA thread here, Gapps from here and Team Blacked Out (TBO) Gapps from here. The Bluetooth bug is expected to be fixed in the future builds. You are therefore advised to go through the contents of the XDA thread, at least the first post, thoroughly. Open Gapps and Bean Gapps will be releasing their builds of Oreo 8.0 Gapps soon. If you are reading this post several months after it was published, we advise you to check the websites of Open Gapps and Bean Gapps. TBO Gapps are optional for making it easier to apply Substratum themes. You can do without them. If you want to install TBO Gapps, you will have to download and install their app from their website. TBO Gapps can be downloaded from within the app. Flash the TBO Gapps in recovery after downloading them.
- Download Magisk from here. Phh's SuperUser can be found here. I used Phh in the video. Magisk should be used if you want to pass the SafetyNet check.
Known Bugs & Workarounds
- As mentioned before, Bluetooth doesn't work. After flashing the ROM you will also have to delete the folder Bluetooth located under System > Apps > Bluetooth. You can perform the deletion operation from within the file manager in TWRP located under the Advanced menu. If you boot up the ROM without performing the deletion then you will get constant Bluetooth force closes (FCs). Since we have modified the system partition, SafetyNet will be tripped as well. You can use the Universal SafetyNext fix module to pass SN.
- It is recommended that you flash TBO Gapps for applying Substratum themes. You must flash the TBO Google Keyboard for avoiding possible FCs while using the AOSP keyboard.
- The ROM won't boot up with MultiROM. The 3Minit Battery Mod doesn't work currently.
- The best way to go about the installation is to refer to the video tutorial at the top for detailed instructions.
- Download the files listed under pre-requisites
- Make a nandroid backup. This is extremely important.
- Wipe dalvik, system, data, and cache.
- Select the ROM file and flash it. After the ROM flashing is complete, head over to System > App > Bluetooth and delete the Bluetooth folder (to avoid continuous FCs)
- Flash Open Gapps. As demonstrated in the video, the Gapps will be installed successfully but that won't be shown in TWRP. You will then have to manually reboot back into TWRP.
- Select the root client of your choice and flash it. The developer recommends to use Magisk, but of course, you can choose what you want to flash
That's it! You now have Oreo 8.0 on your Nexus 6.
S.i.X ROM Oreo Android 8.0.0 For The Nexus 6 And How to Install
Reviewed by David Hayes
8/28/2017 03:16:00 AM

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