Razer Phone Is Being Updated With Camera & Audio Improvements - AndroGuider | One Stop For The Techy You!

Razer Phone Is Being Updated With Camera & Audio Improvements

The Razer Phone's camera has been taken to criticism by all the reviewers alike. After receiving flak for the camera, Razer's CEO Min-Liang Tan promised software updates that will improve the camera quality and introduce new features like portrait mode and 60fps video capturing ability. Razer is now rolling out an update which brings improvements to the camera and audio performance.

The update changelog mentions reduction in noise in images, better color contrast and improved shutter speeds. Although the changelog doesn't mention 2X digital zoom, a post made by a community specialist on Razer forums states that this update adds a "2X zoom button" to the camera application. Aside from listing the camera improvements, the community specialist went on to write:

We are still working on making the camera on the Razer Phone the best in the industry (with your feedback!) Next update you’ll see a slew of new features to put it on par or better than the features on the camera apps in the other flagship phones out there.

While it's great to see Razer working hard on improving the camera, I have my doubts whether just software updates can make the camera on the Razer Phone "the best in the industry".

Alongside camera improvements, there are several audio improvements -- which according to Razer should improve the clarity in audio playback and also the audio output in calls. Lastly, the changelog notes fixes for the auto brightness setting which was another widespread complaint along with the camera.

All these improvements come in a package of 97MB. The build number for the update is NMF26X-RZR-171206.2009.

Source: Min-Liang Tan, Razer Insider forums

[Image credits - Min-Liang Tan]

Krittin Kalra
Krittin Kalra is a 20 year old Android freak. Striving for passions, chasing down his dreams and living a life without regrets is his sole mantra. A bit moody, he also does custom ROM reviews for AndroGuider. Currently pursuing his B.Tech, he aspires to follow his heart.
Razer Phone Is Being Updated With Camera & Audio Improvements Razer Phone Is Being Updated With Camera & Audio Improvements Reviewed by Krittin Kalra on 12/21/2017 10:25:00 PM
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