AI-Powered Scams and How to Protect Yourself

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Image Credits: Bryce Durbin

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, but it has also opened up new avenues for scammers to exploit. The same technology that helps with tasks like email drafting, concept art, and language translation can be used to create convincing scams. In this article, we'll discuss some common AI-powered scams and provide tips on how to protect yourself.

Voice Cloning of Family and Friends

Advances in AI have made it possible to generate a new voice from just a few seconds of audio. This means that anyone whose voice has been publicly broadcast can have their voice cloned. Scammers can use this technology to create fake voices of loved ones or friends, asking for help or money.

For example, a parent might receive a voicemail from an unknown number that sounds like their son, claiming that their belongings were stolen while traveling and asking for money to be sent to a specific address or account. This type of scam has already been done using a cloned voice of a prominent political figure.

How to Protect Yourself

Don't try to spot a fake voice, as they are becoming increasingly convincing. Instead, be cautious of calls or messages from unknown numbers or accounts. If someone claims to be a friend or loved one, verify their identity by contacting them directly using a trusted method. Ignore suspicious messages or calls, and don't send money or provide personal information.

Personalized Phishing and Spam via Email and Messaging

AI-powered text generation has made it possible to create customized spam emails and messages that appear to be from a real person or organization. Scammers can use stolen personal data to create convincing emails or messages that seem legitimate.

How to Protect Yourself

Be vigilant when receiving emails or messages from unknown senders. Don't open attachments or click on links from unfamiliar sources. Verify the authenticity of emails or messages by contacting the supposed sender directly. Don't provide personal information or click on links that ask for sensitive data.

'Fake You' Identity and Verification Fraud

Data breaches have made it easy for scammers to access personal information, which can be used to create a fake identity. AI-powered tools can generate convincing profiles, complete with fake voices, emails, and messages.

How to Protect Yourself

Enable two-factor authentication and use strong passwords to protect your accounts. Monitor your credit reports and financial statements for suspicious activity. Be cautious of calls or messages from unknown numbers or accounts claiming to be from customer service or financial institutions.

By being aware of these AI-powered scams and taking necessary precautions, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these schemes. Remember to always verify the identity of the person or organization contacting you, and don't provide personal information or send money to unknown sources.

AndroGuider Team
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AI-Powered Scams and How to Protect Yourself AI-Powered Scams and How to Protect Yourself Reviewed by Randeotten on 7/01/2024 02:00:00 AM
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