Meta Changes Label from 'Made with AI' to 'AI Info' to Indicate AI Use in Photos

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After introducing a "Made with AI" label on photos in May, Meta faced criticism from photographers who claimed the label was being applied to real photos that had undergone basic editing. In response to user feedback and confusion about the level of AI used in photos, Meta is changing the label to "AI Info" across all its apps.

The company explained that the original label wasn't clear enough, leading to misunderstandings about the extent of AI involvement in image creation. For instance, some content that included minor AI-powered modifications, such as retouching tools, was labeled "Made with AI," causing confusion.

Meta is changing its "Made with AI" tag to "AI Info" tag

The new label aims to provide more context and clarity about AI's role in image creation. While the change won't solve the issue of completely AI-generated photos going undetected, it's a step towards transparency.

Meta and other social networks will need to work together to establish guidelines that don't unfairly penalize photographers who haven't altered their editing workflows but use tools with generative AI elements. On the other hand, companies like Adobe should inform photographers that using certain tools may result in their images being labeled with an "AI Info" tag on other services.

Image Credits: Meta

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Meta Changes Label from 'Made with AI' to 'AI Info' to Indicate AI Use in Photos Meta Changes Label from 'Made with AI' to 'AI Info' to Indicate AI Use in Photos Reviewed by Randeotten on 7/01/2024 08:00:00 PM
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