About Us

Who are we?

AndroGuider is a one-stop place for a true tech enthusiast. From helping you modify your device to your liking to the latest gossip in the tech world, we will bring you everything with an element of love and simplicity!

AndroGuider is a blog where you can scoop your daily need of tech information with some dose of special reviews and custom ROM overviews. We aim to define technology in layman terms to you. Tutorials are available for almost everything and tips, tricks that amazes you.

AndroGuider is maintained by a group of people who are passionate and fond of technology, people who want to keep themselves up to date with the latest happenings in technology and people who love writing at the same time. We believe in the "sharing and caring" principle. That's why you are here!

With the enthusiasm for technology in our veins coupled with the passion for writing and sharing in our blood, we at AndroGuider will ensure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of technology. You should not forget your daily doses, should you? Of course not! So, make sure you visit us daily. We will be waiting for you to catch up with us.

Want to get in touch with us?

Whether it is a news tip or some sort of feedback, we would love to hear from you. AndroGuider is a blog run based on the demands of the community and you, the reader, play a pivotal role in shaping the blog from its design and layout to its contents. Whatever we are today is because of you and we are always on the hunt to improve ourselves to better meet your expectations. You can help us in our striving endeavour to serve you better by filling up the contact form here and sending us your feedback. By the way, we do read each and every mail that comes our way. Don't worry, your attempt to reach us will not go unnoticed. Please don't use the contact form for requesting tech support as we don't provide that. You can instead refer to forums or communities which provide such means of support.

Advertisements & Reviews 

We are open to advertising opportunities and reviewing games, apps and gadgets. If you have any such request, you can contact the following.

Krittin Kalra

Email: krittin (at) androguider (dot) com

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy can be found here.

About Us About Us Reviewed by Krittin Kalra on 5/26/2019 07:29:00 PM

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